Student Aid

Student Aid Information

A substantial amount of student aid is provided in order to create an environment for untroubled and relaxed student life.

Job Placement Support

Career Advice Center

Job Placement Support

In order to enable each student to achieve his or her dreams, the Career Advice Center collects job-placement information, provides job-seeking guidance and education, places students in internships, and similar services to provide current students and graduates with guidance to become socially and professionally self-reliant, and to offer support in finding employment. The center is staffed with full-time personnel in charge of careers in teaching and private/public sector who have abundant experience. Students can receive personal consultations.

Other helpful events that are held occasionally throughout the year include information sessions about teacher employment and civil service examinations, briefings about regional companies, lectures by business owners, and casual talks about finding employment by persons who have recently started full-time employment.

Consultations / Counseling

Educational Practice And Student Support Center


The Educational Practice And Student Support Center provides consultations regarding daily life related to the necessities of life, to the mind and body in general, as well as providing health consultation in conjunction with a medical office in order to ensure that students are able to lead a rich college life. The center has a specialized staff that includes experienced center instructors, specially appointed teaching staff and consultation personnel so that students are provided with counseling that will bring them peace of mind.

Additionally, the center is linked with various institutions within and outside of the university to perform theoretical and practical research related to education, provide guidance and support for education/childcare practical training, and consultations related to childcare, as well as enabling the center to build up a storehouse of knowledge and experience.

Daily Life Guidance

Educational Practice And Student Support Center

Daily Life Guidance

The Educational Practice And Student Support Center provides daily life guidance and holds various classes so that students can enjoy a healthy college life.

In the cooking class, directed towards students living alone, students are taught directly by specialized center instructors about specific methods to prevent developing poor dietary habits.

Classes Open to Public

Extension Center

Classes Open to Public

The Extension Center provides classes open to public, carries out lifelong learning projects, and performs collaborative research while utilizing the intellectual resources of the university. It also functions as an information/counseling center for all types of international exchange projects such as short-term overseas training.

The center also occasionally holds independent lectures and seminars given by members of the university teaching staff.